

계열을 빛낸 졸업생

  • 홈 클릭시 홈으로 이동

2020 조은영 - 경동사

관리자32019.12.04 15:21조회 수 614댓글 3

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    • 글자 크기




1. 본인 소개 및 합격 소감

안녕하십니까. 경동사에 근무 중인 스마트경영계열 서비스OA 18학번 조은영입니다. 계열을 빛낸 졸업생으로 올라갈 수 있어 영광스럽습니다.



2. 영진을 선택한 이유 혹은 사연은?

특성화고등학교를 졸업해 취업을 하면서 일을 하는 도중 대학교의 필요성을 느끼게 되면서 2년제와 4년제 중 많은 고민을 하였습니다. 하지만 고등학교 때 취득한 다양한 회계 및 컴퓨터 자격증 때문에 굳이 4년제의 필요성을 느끼지 못해 2년제를 선택하였고, 그 중 취업률 1위를 자랑하고 있는 영진전문대학교를 선택하였습니다.

영진을 선택한 것에 대해 후회는 없으며, 2년 동안의 즐거운 학교생활을 할 수 있었습니다.



3. 대학 학창시절은 어떠했나요?

학교생활을 하면서 이것저것 하고 싶은 것도 많았고, 욕심도 많았습니다. 그래서 1학년 때부터 경영계열 학생회를 지원하면서 다양한 행사에 참여하였고, 여기에서 자신감이 생겨 경영계열 부학회장을 맡아 학교 행사를 주도하고 진행하였습니다. 이런 2년 동안의 학생회 활동은 선후배 관계를 돈독하게 했을 뿐만 아니라 다양한 사람을 만나면서 그 사람들의 좋은 점도 많이 배울 수 있었습니다. 또한 많은 교수님들의 신뢰와 어려운 문제가 닥쳤을 때 이것을 내 방식대로 처리할 수 있는 문제해결능력도 기를 수 있었습니다. 이렇게 교내활동을 하면서 성적도 놓치지 않았습니다. 욕심이 많았던 터라 무조건 1등 해야지 라고 생각했던 덕에 학점 4.5를 유지하면서 학교생활을 마무리 할 수 있었습니다.



4. 현재 직장을 선택하게 된 동기는?

제가 다니는 직장은 나를 성장시켜 줄 수 있는 회사였으면 좋겠다. 라는 생각을 했습니다.

경동사는 일반 더존 프로그램이 아닌 SAP프로그램을 사용한다는 것과 외국계 기업이다 보니 좀 더 다양하고 넓은 시각으로 업무를 처리할 수 있다는 점이 저를 한층 더 성장시켜 줄 것이라 생각해 지원하게 되었습니다.



5. 현 직업에 대한 자부심은?

현재 경동사 회계팀에 AR파트에서 근무하고 있습니다. 그 중에서 주로 거래처 수금, 회사 비용, 이체, 어음관리, CFM 관리 등 회계팀에 꼭 없어서는 안 될 중요한 직무를 맡고 있기 때문에 부담감과 책임감이 있지만 그만큼 자부심을 갖고 업무에 임하고 있습니다.



6. 회사에서 앞으로의 포부와 꿈, 계획이 있다면?

현재 업무를 하면서 제 자신이 부족하다는 생각을 수없이 많이 하고 있습니다. 그래서 이런 저를 더 성장시키기 위해 어떤 업무를 하던 최선을 다해 임하는 것은 물론 회계 및 영어공부를 놓치지 않고 할 것입니다. 그리고 현재에 안주하지 않고 계속해서 제 자신의 역량을 키우고 싶습니다.



7. 후배들에게 들려주고 싶은 이야기가 있다면?

가장 먼저 하고 싶은 말은 그냥 무작정 학점만 챙기기보다는 한 번 다니는 대학, 여러 교내 및 교외활동을 많이 해봤으면 좋겠습니다. 이것이 자소서 쓸 때 하나의 스토리가 되며 나중에는 자기의 경험이 되고 소중한 추억이 됩니다. 또한 자신이 취약하다고 생각하는 부분은 바꾸려고 노력해 보세요. 사람들 앞에 나서는 게 힘들고 무서운 사람들은 일부로 발표도 많이 해보면서 자기 자신을 앞으로 나아가보세요. 한층 더 성장할 것입니다.

그리고 이러한 노력은 자신에게 분명 기회가 찾아올 것입니다. 다들 후회 없는 학교생활 했으면 좋겠습니다!


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    • 글자 크기

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글쓴이 비밀번호
댓글 3
  • Yachts for Sale


    Explore luxury Yachts for Sale, ranging from sleek motor yachts to elegant sailing vessels. Find your dream yacht and set sail in style.


    EPDM Dichtungen


    Eine EPDM Dichtung ist eine gummiartige Dichtung, die oft in der Industrie verwendet wird.


    EPDM Gummidichtung


    EPDM Gummidichtungen, ideal für Abdichtung und Isolierung in verschiedenen Anwendungen. Beständig und langlebig.


    EPDM Rubber Seals


    EPDM Rubber Seals: durable, weather-resistant, ideal for various applications.


    EPDM Rubber Seals

    EPDM Rubber Seals provide excellent weather resistance, sealing reliability, and durability for various applications.


    EPDM Rubber Gaskets


    EPDM Rubber Gaskets offer reliable sealing performance and weather resistance, making them ideal for a wide range of applications.


    GRP Pipe Seals


    GRP Pipe Seals provide effective sealing solutions for glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) pipes, ensuring leak-free and secure connections in various industrial and infrastructure applications.


    PVC Pipe Seals


    PVC Pipe Seals are essential components used to ensure watertight and secure connections in PVC pipe systems, preventing leaks and maintaining system integrity.


    Aluminium Rubber


    Aluminium Rubber seals are specialized sealing components designed for applications involving aluminum materials.


    Ship Seals


    Ship Seals refer to various sealing systems used in ships to prevent water ingress, maintain buoyancy, and ensure cargo and crew safety.


    Garage Doors Seals


    Garage Doors Seals are essential weatherproofing components that help keep garages insulated, secure, and protected from the elements, including rain, wind, and dust.


    Automatic Doors Seals


    Automatic Doors Seals ensure energy efficiency, noise reduction, and security, enhancing the functionality and comfort of automated entrances.



    Concrete Pipe Seals


    Concrete Pipe Seals are vital components used to provide watertight and secure connections in concrete pipe systems, preventing leaks and ensuring structural integrity.




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    Seal Gaskets


    Seal Gaskets provide leak-proof seals in various applications, often made of materials like rubber, silicone, or PTFE.


    Gasket Seals


    Gasket Seals are essential for preventing leaks, commonly composed of materials like rubber, silicone, or PTFE for sealing applications.


    Aluminium Rubber


    Aluminium Rubber seals are composite gaskets combining aluminum and rubber for effective sealing in various applications.


    Aluminium Seals


    Aluminium Seals offer effective sealing through a combination of aluminum and rubber materials in diverse applications.


    EPDM Rubber Seal


    EPDM Rubber Seal provide durable, weather-resistant sealing in numerous applications.


    Aluminium Gaskets


    Aluminium Gaskets are used for sealing in various applications, made from aluminum material to provide effective seals.


    Custom EPDM Gaskets


    Custom EPDM Gaskets offer tailored sealing solutions, ideal for unique applications and specific requirements.


    EPDM Seals


    EPDM Seals are known for their excellent weather and UV resistance, making them ideal for outdoor sealing applications.


    Seal Rubber


    A Seal Rubber is a flexible, elastomeric material used for creating secure and tight seals in various applications.


    Rubber Gasket Making


    Rubber Gasket Making is the process of creating gaskets from rubber material to achieve effective sealing in various applications.


    EPDM Gasket Design


    EPDM Gasket Design involves creating effective sealing solutions using Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer rubber, tailored to specific applications.


    EPDM Gasket


    EPDM Gasket offer durable, weather-resistant sealing in various applications.


    Infrastructure Gaskets


    Infrastructure Gaskets play a crucial role in sealing and maintaining the integrity of critical infrastructure components.


    Ship Seals


    Ship Seals are essential for maintaining watertight and secure conditions on vessels, preventing water ingress and ensuring safety.


    EPDM Seal


    EPDM Seal provide reliable, weather-resistant sealing in diverse applications.


    Aluminium PVC Windows


    Aluminium PVC Windows offer a blend of durability and energy efficiency for various building applications.


    Windows System Seals


    Windows System Seals ensure airtight and watertight integrity in windows, preventing drafts and water ingress.


    Seal Gasket


    A Seal Gasket is a flexible material used to create a tight seal, often made of rubber, silicone, or other elastomers.


    EPDM Gaskets


    EPDM Gaskets are made from ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber, known for their weather and UV resistance, commonly used for sealing applications.


    PVC Seals


    PVC Seals are flexible components made of polyvinyl chloride, commonly used for creating watertight and airtight seals in various applications, including windows, doors, and pipes.


    EPDM Custom Gaskets


    EPDM Custom Gaskets are tailored sealing solutions made from ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber to meet specific requirements.


    Industrial Seals


    Industrial Seals are components used in various industries to prevent leaks, maintain pressure, and ensure the integrity of machinery and equipment.


    Rubber Gaskets


    Rubber Gaskets provide effective sealing solutions for a wide range of applications due to their flexibility and resilience.


    Rubber Seal


    A Rubber Seal offers a flexible and resilient solution for creating tight seals in various applications.


    Dilatation Seals


    Dilatation Seals accommodate thermal expansion and contraction in structures, preventing damage and maintaining structural integrity.


    PVC Door Windows


    PVC Door Windows are energy-efficient and durable window and door frames made from polyvinyl chloride, commonly used in construction.


    Auto Door Seals


    Auto Door Seals provide airtight and waterproof seals around vehicle doors, preventing noise, drafts, and water from entering the cabin.


    Steel Door Seals


    Steel Door Seals are gaskets or weatherstripping used with steel doors to create a tight seal, preventing drafts, noise, and temperature transfer.


    Automatic Door Seals


    Automatic Door Seals are mechanisms that automatically seal doors when they are closed, providing security, insulation, and weather resistance.


    Garage Door Seals


    Garage Door Seals are weatherstrips or gaskets installed on garage doors to prevent drafts, dust, and water from entering the garage, improving insulation and security.


    Automatic Doors Seals


    Automatic Doors Seals are gaskets or weatherstrips on automatic doors that help create a tight seal, enhancing energy efficiency and security.


    EPDM Rubber Gasket


    An EPDM Rubber Gasket provides durable and weather-resistant sealing solutions, commonly used in various applications.


    GRP Pipe Seals


    GRP Pipe Seals ensure watertight and leak-resistant connections in glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) pipe systems.


    Garage Doors Seals


    Garage Doors Seals prevent drafts, dust, and water from entering garages, improving insulation and security in garage doors.


    PVC Pipe Seals


    PVC Pipe Seals maintain watertight connections in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe systems, preventing leaks and ensuring plumbing integrity.


    Concrete Pipe Seals


    Concrete Pipe Seals provide leak-proof and durable connections in concrete pipe systems, ensuring long-lasting water and wastewater infrastructure.


    EPDM Seals Gaskets


    EPDM Seals Gaskets are widely used for their excellent resistance to weather and UV, providing reliable sealing in various applications.


    Aluminum Rubber


    Aluminum Rubber combine the properties of aluminum and rubber to provide effective sealing in various applications.


    EPDM Rubber Seals


    EPDM Rubber Seals are known for their exceptional weather resistance and are commonly used for creating reliable seals in various applications.


    EPDM Rubber Seal


    An EPDM Rubber Seal provides durable, weather-resistant sealing solutions for a wide range of applications.



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이름 : 김수희 취업회사 : LS전선 졸업년도 : 2016년 출신학과 : 경영계열 본인소개 : 안녕하세요! 선으로 ...
이름 - 신선영 취업회사 - 한샘 졸업년도 - 2016년 출신학과 - 경영계열 본인소개 안녕하세요. 한샘 경영지...
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